Compagnia San Paolo presents an interesting interview on Open Magazine about our project. They asked some of our partners during the kick off of #Adesteplus in Turin at the beginning of December. They were talking about the “state of the art” in #culturalplanning in Europe with three of our partners: Alessandra Gariboldi (Fitzcarraldo Foundation, project manager in Adeste + ), Niels Righolt (CKI – Art Center and Interkultur, Denmark) and Sonia Sin Villanova (Cultural Zaragoza, Spain).

At the beginning of December, Turin hosted the participants’ meetings for two European projects operating in the field of cultural cooperation and perfoming arts, focusing on the processes of cultural participation: Adeste + and Be SpectACTive !, the latter in its second edition . The operators of 34 organizations from more than a dozen countries were confronted on the topics of Audience Development, Audience Engagement and cultural co-planning The program had a public event “Make Culture, Make Europe” at the Gobetti Theater. Open Magazine met the representatives of six organizations in Italy, Belgium, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Spain, to be told about the “state of the art” in cultural planning in Europe: between affinities and differences, curiosities and ideas, challenges and obstacles.

For Alessandra Gariboldi “a project like Adeste + wants to start experimenting and evaluating new things that will help us achieve these goals. We are trying to build exemples to show that change is not only possible, but can and must also be productive. Changing just to change is no use, it reminds me of the cartoon in which there are two dinosaurs and one tells the other: “I vote meteorite, because it takes a change”.

Niels Righolt focuses on “the challenge of the AD is to succeed in countering this phenomenon – which in political terms translates into the not too disguised spread of neo-fascisms – precisely by guaranteeing this multiplicity of voices, but by involving them and accepting them in the debate”.

Sonia Sin Villanova speaks about her experiencie implementing the Audience Development Plan in the whole the city and how little by little the organization has been involved in changing the way of managing the cultural activity.

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