Our second day starts with an interesting lecture from Lluís Bonet
“BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL”. Lluis Bonet is Professor at the Department of Economics and Director of the Cultural Management Program of the University of Barcelona.  Bonet has been research fellow at the MIT and the University of Montpelier, and speaker in almost 50 different countries. He has lead or participate in many competitive research projects such EULAC Focus (H2020), BE SPECTACTIVE (Creative Europe), or CULTURAL BASE (H2020), and serves as expert facilitator of the EU Cultural Diplomacy platform. Among his last books: Challenges of cultural relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean (in print); Be SpectACTIve! Challenging Participation in Performing Arts (2018); Theatre Management: models and strategies for cultural venues (2018); Breaking the fourth wall: proactive audiences in the performing arts (2018). 

Then we have four master classes that are an opportunity to know how works the audience development in different places. 

– LEADING THROUGH DESIGN, presented by Anne Torreggiani, Antonia Silvaggi and Patrizia Braga. Auditorium 3.

– HOW TO ORGANIZE AN AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A WHOLE CITY, presented by Sonia Sin and Macarena Cuenca. Room 1.

– THE VALUE OF ARTS. BEYOND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS, presented by Mercedes Giovinazzo and Alessandra Gariboldi. Room 2.

– LISTENING TO THE AUDIENCES, presented by Ingrid Handeland and Niels Righolt. Foyer.







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