Italian partners have met in a hub waterfall to disseminate Adeste+ experience and learning. Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, MEP, Teatro Stabile di Torino, Compagnia di San Paolo have been working with GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Torino. They have been designing the prototyping phase of our ACED process: The Audience Centered Experience Design.
It has been a very moving experience because they had a brainstorming in the same room, not on zooms. Real post-it on real windows, welcome back!
For three years Adeste+ partners have been researching and ideating a methodology, The Audience Centered Experience Design, to support cultural organisations. Then the knowledge partners ran a set of workshops with the staff of our artistic partners to see if it worked. At this moment, we have completed the learning after testing our methodology with our artistic partners.
After the capacity building based on this process, the artistics partners prototyped new creative programmes that they test with their audiences. Once tested, the capacity building became what we call a “blueprint“, a step by step methodology that others could apply.
And now we are sharing our learning with as many people possible: first through conferences and summer schools, the in every country of our partners and soon in other countries with the Extended Waterfall.
- Italian hub waterfall
- Italian hub waterfall