Jonathan Goodacre
Jonathan Goodacre

Jonathan Goodacre Senior Consultant, The Audience Agency.
Jonathan Goodacre is responsible for the international work of The Audience Agency, which helps arts and cultural organisations to understand and engage with their audiences. He also works on a variety of audience development and evaluation projects in England, especially focusing on outdoor arts, festivals, cultural tourism, rural touring and community participation. Current international work involves leading on the EU funded Adeste+, Connecting Audiences and Asset projects for The Audience Agency. Other current and recent work includes consultancy and training taking place in Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Palestine and Sweden and contributing to the European Capitals of Culture for 2020 in Rijeka (Croatia) and Galway (Ireland). Jonathan is on the steering committee of the ENCATC international evaluation working group, a pedagogical team member of the European Diploma of Cultural Project Management (Association Marcel Hicter, Brussels) and an accredited Action Learning Facilitator. He was co-author of ‘Turning the Tide’ (Momentum 2007) and a contributor to ‘Sustaining Cultural Development’ (Gower 2013) and ‘Culture At The Edges’ (Marcel Hicter 2014). He has served on several boards including as chair of theatre company Hoipolloi and on the committee of the Mill Road Winter Fair, Cambridge.