There was Lisbon Summer School
Video playlist:
- Day 5: Cultural professionals, organizations, institutions and policy makers, together to discuss the need to actively promote cultural participation. Follow the conference in streaming ADESTE + IS ABOUT QUESTIONS
WHERE ARE WE? WHAT NEXT? QUESTIONS FOR THE FUTURE. Alessandra Gariboldi and Anne Torreggiani - Day 4: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OPEN DAYS (2): “Empowering Audiences, Reimagining Culture”
- Day 3: “PARTICIPATION WON, AND WHY IT MATTERS”. Mercedes Giovinazzo, keynote speaker; Dea Vidović, moderator. Auditorium 2.
- Day 2: Lecture from Lluís Bonet “BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL”. Lluis Bonet is Professor at the Department of Economics and Director of the Cultural Management Program of the University of Barcelona.
- Day 1: You can follow on YouTube our welcome session “PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES AS CORE VALUE. PLACING AUDIENCES AT THE CENTRE”.
Participant section
“This week has been one of the best things I’ve ever done professionally. I’ve met so many great people, reconnected with old friends and made new ones, have heard about loads of great practice, and got ideas of things I want to try back at work.
At the same time, there has been a huge amount to digest, and the amount of food for thought has been equivalent to a week of state banquets.
Today has been one of the more academic days and a lot of listening, so just thought I’d share some interesting quotes, statements and . I’d love to hear out here people’s thoughts on these”.
From the blog of one of the participants: ‘rixmatthews Bloggy Goats Gruff’ >> https://rixmatthews.tumblr.com/post/187965033031/adeste-lisbon-2019-day-4
Over 300 participants at the first Lisbon Summer School ADESTE+
Culture audiences were at the core of discussions across an extensive programme of workshops, visits, debates, masterclasses, laboratories and case studies for a whole week. From 23 to 27 September, hundreds of culture professionals, representatives from organisations and public policy making entities across Europe were at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to discuss audiences at the first-ever Lisbon Summer School ADESTE+.
In workgroups and at lectures during the international conference – “Empowering Audiences, Reimagining Culture” – throughout the whole week, the recent challenges and perspectives on contemporary cultural participation were discussed within the framework of understanding how the paradigm for participation is changing culture.
The working groups that brought together professionals from 19 different nationalities pointed out the five major questions for the future that are to be raised at the next Summer School in Rijeka, Croatia.
This was the first of three Summer Schools ongoing until 2021, under the auspices of the ADESTE+ project of which the Gulbenkian Foundation is a participating member.
From The FG Blog: https://gulbenkian.pt/en/news/over-300-participants-at-the-first-lisbon-summer-school-adeste/
Talks in images
Numbers and figures from Lisbon Summer School Evaluation by MAPA
The ADESTE+ Lisbon Summer School was addressed to culture professionals, organizations, institutions and policy makers, gathering and working together on audience development: 5 days of workshops, laboratories, debates and encounters with keynote speakers, experts and practitioners coming from across Europe. A unique chance for acquiring knowledge and information, exchanging expertise and experiences and getting inspiration in a nurturing and professional environment.
Stimulate sharing of knowledge and experiences among participants, experts and professionals from different fields interested in audience development and organizational change.
Contribute to an increased and deeper understanding of the common challenges that cultural organisations are facing in the European space.
Providing participants with tools to interpret case studies as well as local, national and European projects and practices aimed at increasing cultural participation in Europe.
Foster networking and debate amongst organizations, professionals and policy makers.
Provide a platform for connecting critical thinking around cultural democracy and the relevance of culture in the future of Europe and cultural participation.
ADESTE+ Lisbon Summer School was the first one of a series of 3 that will be developed in 2019 // 2020 // 2021, in the framework of the ADESTE+ project.
ADESTE + is a large-scale European cooperation project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union aimed at expanding cultural participation by bringing the audience to the centre of cultural organisations.
Keynotes and moderators
Program of the Summer School
Focus and methodology
The ADESTE+ Lisbon Summer School fosters a hands-on approach, which introduces participants to the overall conceptual and theoretical framework of audience development and invites them to engage proactively with participating organizations, practitioners and experts.
Participants will be able to create their own knowledge and participation path, choosing activities and themes and participating different laboratories, debates, conferences according to their interests and needs.
What will happen and what you’ll gain
For the 2019 edition, the following main themes have been identified:
23rd September – Day 1 – “People and communities as a core value: placing audiences at the centre”
What will happen?
We’ll be exploring through study visits and workshops how to look into the audience challenge – 7 case studies for 7 stories.
You’ll gain:
Greater and deeper understanding of how AD can be articulated and practiced, how an audience focus can change the way organisations interpret their cultural mission.
24th September – Day 2 – “Audience development as an everyday practice: tools for breaking the walls”
What will happen?
We’ll be inspired by a lecture on how participation can affect policies and artistic practices, and you could choose among 4 master classes on audience analysis, design thinking, use of digital, impact evaluation.
You’ll gain:
Greater and deeper understanding of how the participation paradigm is articulated, and learn major theory and operational aspects of AD practice.
25th September – Day 3 – Open Day “European Conference Adeste+: Empowering Audiences, Reimagining Culture”
What will happen?
We’ll be inspired by a lecture on how the participatory paradigm is changing culture, and you could choose among 4 workshops on international case studies and learn more about how theatres, museums and community art centres are designing their audience centred prototypes through Adeste+.
You’ll gain:
Greater and deeper understanding of how AD can be articulated and practiced, how prototyping can help design for audiences.
26th September – Day 4 – Open Day “European Conference Adeste+: Empowering Audiences, Reimagining Culture”
What will happen?
We’ll be inspired by two lectures on what Audience Development has to do with democracy, and you could choose among 4 inspiring presentations on how theatre, galleries and dance can radically reconsider audiences while keeping the focus on artistic research
You’ll gain:
Greater and deeper understanding of AD as a layered challenge, honest conversations about what happens to art led organisations when they assume an audience focus.
27th September – Day 5 – “Adeste+ is about questions”
What will happen?
We’ll work in groups on the big questions opened by the summer school, we’ll make sense together of what we learned and plant the seeds for next steps
You’ll gain:
Tiredness: 5 days are a long time. Ownership: Adeste+ summer school will be now yours. Self awareness, because you’ll be more knowledgeable. Sadness, because it’s ended. Hope, because you’ll have being inspired by others’ work and achievements.
Registration modes
The Lisbon Summer School consists of 5 full days (full work week, 23-27 September), 2 of which constitute the Adeste+ European Conference (Wednesday and Thursday, 25-26 September).
The “Summer School only” days will dive deeper into theory, practice and work-based reflection, while the 2 days open to the wider public will be an international conference presenting the most actual and challenging perspectives on cultural participation.
Please note you can choose among two options to take part in the event:
1) Full Summer School – 5 days (from 23 to 27) – certificate of attendance provided. Please note that the full summer school has limited number, so you should apply here
2) Only public sessions – 2 days (25 and 26). The participation to the public session is open, so you’ll just need to register here.
The Summer School targets national and international practitioners and policy makers active in the arts and culture field at the local, national and international levels.
Participants should be strongly committed to the development of a social understanding of the arts and in the promotion of cultural participation. They can be freelancers or currently work in public institutions, private companies or non-profit organisations.
The organisers will make the selection based on the following criteria:
- Experience (the value you can bring to other participants);
- Motivation (the key to any challenge);
- Provenience (to enrich the discussion with diverse European voices).
July 20, 2019
Participants are responsible for booking, and paying for their travel and accommodation in Lisbon.
Working language
Gulbenkian Foundation
Av. de Berna, 45A, 1067-001 Lisboa