Hugo Seabra
Hugo Seabra

Hugo Martinez de Seabra is a Project Manager at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Social Cohesion and Integration Programme (Portugal). He is responsible for the work on two main areas: migrations, and artistic practices for social inclusion. With an MA in Sociology, Hugo joined the Foundation in 2005 to help setting up projects in the migration/integration field. Since 2013 Hugo manages the initiative PARTIS, supporting organisations that apply artistic practices as a methodology to empower underserved communities through grants, capacity building and network development.
Case study: Artistic Practices for Social Inclusion Programme
Hugo Seabra, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal.
Presented by A+ Partner.
Since 2013, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Programme for Social Cohesion and Integration has been implementing a grant giving initiative called PARTIS – acronym for Artistic Practices for Social Inclusion. During this session we will present and debate around grant giving within this sectors, lessons learned and recommendations for the future.