Study visit: LU.CA Theatre

Study visit: LU.CA Theatre

23rd Sept · 09h30 · Meeting point at the chosen venue

Study visit: “LU.CA Theatre”

Coordinator: Bruno Reis

LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões, opened on the 1st June 2018, is the most recent public cultural venue in Lisbon and the first one in the country with a programme exclusively dedicated to children and young audiences.

Our mission is to host and support contemporary performing arts, directed to children and youth, as well as its links to other arts on relevant topics of our time engaging artists, works, audiences and the venue.

Bruno Reis

Bruno Reis is production director of LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões.

He has a degree in Law and has studied Management and Production of the Performing Arts.

Worked has executive producer of Teatro Municipal Maria Matos and São Luiz Teatro Municipal. Has also collaborated with some international performing arts festivals in Lisbon, coordinated the production of theater companies and has collaborated as a producer with various Portuguese artists.”







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