Steven Hadley
Steven Hadley

Dr Steven Hadley is an academic, consultant and researcher working internationally in arts management, cultural policy and audience engagement. He holds research posts at National University of Ireland Galway and the University of Leeds and is a Visiting Lecturer at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany). Steven is an Associate Consultant with The Audience Agency, and sits on the Steering Committee of the Cultural Research Network (USA) and the Editorial Boards of both Cultural Trends and the European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy. He has lectured, taught and delivered training in over fifteen countries and works as a consultant for a wide range of cultural organisations. His recent published work has focussed on cultural democracy, audience engagement and hyperinstrumentalism. His forthcoming book, “Audience Development and Cultural Policy”, will be published by Palgrave MacMillan.
26 september
Cultural Democracy – Past, Present, Future
Steven Hadley, National University of Ireland Galway.
Dea Vidovic (moderator).
Cultural Democracy – past, present and future
This session will present some of the key ideas around the concept of ‘cultural democracy’. Through presentation and discussion, we will consider the history of cultural democracy, its implications for cultural policy and what a future cultural landscape might look like were cultural democracy to be adopted as a guiding policy principle.