23rd Sept · 09h30 · Meeting point at the chosen venue
Study visit: “Calouste Goulbekian Foundation”
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian:
Pedagogical Moment: Sharing tools and new approaches for people with disabilities exploring Museums.
Calouste Gulbenkian Gardens:
Gulbenkian Garden – Designing a program for a living ecosystem
We are all invited, and we know it, to live the Gulbenkian Garden as our own special garden!
This is in fact, the most democratic and welcoming space of the Gulbenkian Foundation! And so, we wish it to be also a door for the rest of the universe the Foundation as to offer this public.
Designed to be lived in a spontaneous and delightful way, there are other dimensions this place wants to share, because, like its authors, this garden is a nature and culture activist. So we want to invite our visitors to understand the garden as project, as a culture, as nature, as a space for creativity, poetry and creation, as a manifest for the landscape.
In this way, may it also be a place where we can all grow together, as a conscious civilization willing to use the world as the paradise it was meant to be.
Calouste Gulbenkian Music

Margarida Vieira
Gulbenkian Museum
Born in Lisbon in 1962. Artistic educator. Graduate in the area of “Children and Youth at Risk and Local Intervention” “Counselling” in Gestalt Therapy. Coordinator of activities for public with Special Needs Education, author, co-author and counselor visits and workshops at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Trainer in different areas related to the practice.

Margarida Rodrigues
Gulbenkian Museum
Born in Lisbon in 1990. Artistic educator. Graduate in the area of “Kindergarten and primary education” and “Special Needs Education”. Element of the team of mediators of activities for public with Special Needs Education – author and co-author of visits and workshops for diverse groups at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Paula Côrte-Real
Gulbenkian Gardens
Paula Côrte-Real has a degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Évora. Co-author of several Landscape Architecture projects, land-use planning, environmental and landscape studies, she is managing partner of a studio of arts, studies and projects in Landscape Architecture. She began collaborating with Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in 2005, researching on the Gulbenkian Garden. Since 2014 coordinates the Gulbenkian Garden Educational Program.