The first premiere this season takes place on the 24th of September. It’s a play called ALLE GODE TING (Every Brilliant Thing); the touching comedy about a boy, now as a man, telling the audience about his childhood with a depressed mother and the creation of his list mentioning every brilliant thing worth to live for. With the audience placed in a round on stage with actor Frank Thiel, they help him develop the story by participating in different ways. Some get a note with something from the list of every brilliant thing, which they have to say out loud during the play, some are invited to play characters from the main characters life. The play is about 75 minutes without a break.
On selected dates the play is expanded with a second part; EN EKSTRA GOD TING (An extra brilliant thing). On these dates it will be possible to experience composer and musician Frans Bak with his project “Sange til min mor (Songs for my mom)” sing along with the audience and invite guests for a sing & talk. Also the organization Børn, Unge & Sorg (Children, young people and sorrow) and writers from the publisher Gyldendal will appear on selected dates sharing their knowledge on the topics of the play.
As a part of the play Nørrebro Teateralso encourages the audience to participate outside the auditorium. A huge wall with post-its placed in the theatre’s foyer invites the audience to share their most favorite thing making life worth live for. On social media the post-it theme is followedup by the sharing of the theatre staffs’ most brilliant things also inviting our followers to share what they would put on the list of every brilliant thing. As a completion the list with thoughts by the employees and inputs from the audience on social media will be merged and shared.
All this for the purpose to break down the silence and taboo which is often connected to suicide and mental illness, and to remind each other about all the brilliant things worth living for.
Text from Nørrebro Teater.