European Conference – 2nd episode: A new vision for culture? Integrity, direction and relevance – Panel session


Septembre 2020

The second episode of the European Conference took place on September 7th. Sajida CarrArjo KlamerFrancois MatarassoDeise Faria NunesGoran TomkaAna Žuvela and Macarena Cuenca (chair) discussed the theme  “A new vision for culture? Integrity, direction and relevance”.

Some of our cultural institutions are already centuries old. But today’s arts and cultural scene has widened to embrace multitudes, leading to a dramatic expansion of what culture means to our societies.The logic behind private and public funding supporting the production and display of cultural artefacts  is still largely connected to institutional gatekeepers, therefore many institutions feel the pressure to reach larger numbers of people, influenced by market forces to increase their income.This session looked at whether there is a balance to be struck, dealing at the same time with concepts of populism, elitism, inequality and democracy.

Keywords: Arts engagement, Covid-19, Online European Conference, accessibility, adaptation, community, cultural democracy, equal opportunities, governance







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