Janja Sesar
Janja Sesar

Janja Sesar has been the Director of Pogon – Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth since 2017. She graduated in Croatian and German Language and Literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and earned a Master’s Degree in Cultural and Media Management from the Free University in Berlin. She worked as a Coordinator at Alliance Operation City and was the Editor and Manager of Kulturpunkt.hr, an Internet portal for independent culture, contemporary art and civil society. In the past fifteen years she has participated in the organization of various national and international cultural projects, including the presentation and organization of the “New Tendencies“ exhibition at Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) in Karlsruhe. She has participated in various conferences, workshops and seminars, both as a speaker and moderator, and has received several scholarships from the German Service for Academic Exchange (DAAD). She was invited by the US State Department to take part in the International Visitors Leadership Programme in 2014, as well as to the Cultural Diplomacy Platform organized by the European Commission on Malta in 2016.
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