Jonathan Goodacre
Jonathan Goodacre

Jonathan Goodacre is a Senior Consultant at The Audience Agency in the UK and has 30 years’ experience of working in the arts, both as practitioner and as trainer and consultant. He specialises in evaluation, audience development and project management, especially in multi stakeholder transnational programmes. He is part of the evaluation team at The Audience Agency of Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture. As a partner in the Adeste+ Creative Europe programme, he is responsible for developing the Blueprint for innovative public engagement strategies. He was a contributor to the Engage Audiences EU commissioned study, an active participant of the ENCATC international evaluation series and a trainer for the European Diploma of Cultural Project Management (Association Marcel Hicter). In the UK, he specialises in evaluation and audience development consultancy and training, leading the Data for Evaluation series and working on cultural tourism, community participation, outdoor arts, festivals and local authority initiatives. He was co-author of ‘Turning the Tide’ (Momentum 2007) and a contributor to ‘Sustaining Cultural Development’ (Gower 2013) and ‘Culture At The Edges’ (Marcel Hicter 2014).
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