Marcin Poprawski

Marcin Poprawski

Dr Marcin Poprawski is a researcher & lecturer at the AMU Adam Mickiewicz University – Institute of Cultural Studies (Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies), lecturer of the European University Viadrina – Frankfurt (O.), University of the Arts Poznan, Heritage Academy of the International Cultural Centre & University of Economics in Cracow. He is an Expert of the Association of Polish Cities and of the NU Foundation, Director of the AMU Audience Development Postgraduate Diploma and Director of AMU ROK Culture Observatory research centre in Poznan; member of the editorial board of The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy (Fachverband Kulturmanagement / Friedrichshafen, DE). He is a director of the post-graduate training program on Audience Development offered from 2019 by the AMU Institute of Cultural Studies in cooperation with the City of Warsaw and the City of Poznan. He was a guest lecturer at DAMU Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (CZ), JAMU Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (CZ). He was a Deputy Dean of the AMU Faculty of Social Sciences (2016-2019). His research & teaching interests are: organisational cultures in cultural, art and heritage institutions, festival management models, cultural policies, audience engagement, culture & sustainability, arts management & entrepreneurship, and finally, aesthetics in management studies.


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