Valentina Montalto
Valentina Montalto

Valentina Montalto has ten years of professional experience, combing work in the private sector as researcher and project manager, and in the public sector as policy analyst, with a focus on the potential of culture for economic and social well-being. Her research interests lay in a) developing metrics to capture the economic and social value of culture; b) advising policies at all levels – local, national, European – that can help make the most of culture to empower citizens and foster new economies. Valentina currently works at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, where she is in charge of the development of the ‘Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor’ project. She previously worked at the Brussels-based research and advisory company KEA where she extensively worked on multiple research assignments and policy-oriented reports to assess European cultural statistics, for instance, or culture’s impacts on local development, on behalf of both European institutions and city authorities. On YouTube her TEDxTalk on how to measure the value of culture in European cities.
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