Change Within Change.
Re-examining the role of the cultural organisation and its relationship with the public
The COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis forced a change of plans, and perhaps of thinking too. The ADESTE+ Summer School and Conference, originally due to take place in Rijeka, Croatia, adjusted to new circumstances and took place online, dealing with a range of questions and issues old and new.
The central concept remained the same – looking at what cultural institutions need to do or change in order to become more audience focused. The concept of audience development is transversal, extending from the framing of cultural policy to issues of cultural rights, access and participation. Increasing cultural participation is a crucial challenge for an inclusive and open European society, and growing audiences depends on the ability of a cultural organisation to place the audience at the centre of its practice. However, this theme has taken on greater significance and new urgency as the crisis forces us to address the role of cultural organisations in this changed world. Now more than ever our actual or potential audience has to be at the forefront of our thinking.
This new situation has allowed reaching people from around the world. The debate about ‘virtual versus physical’ will rumble on for a long time yet, but whilst we missed being in the beautiful Croatian National Theatre with its roof painted by Ernst and Gustav Klimt and the excitement of the European Capital of Culture, it would have been difficult to host the 700 people that took part in the online version.
Indeed, there were participants from 60 countries in 6 continents (we missed Antarctica), and more than 50 external speakers / contributors. It meant that the debates were enriched by many cultural perspectives, views and types of practice, addressing the important topic of audience development, cultural democracy and the change this demands for organisations. The circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic brought an extra dimension and urgency to the discussion, hence the title of the series – ‘Change within Change.’

Exploring the big questions and debates “Change within Change” for a larger number of people in 6 independent online episodes.
Besides focusing on the change European cultural institutions need to undertake to approach their public, the European also discussed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on culture, especially the participation and commitment of the public during the “new normal”.
The conference, that took place over several months, is now available in six episodes that cover the debate between cultural agents, artists, professionals, activists, academics, researchers, politicians, directors and other workers of the fields of art and culture. In total, more than 40 speakers and 700 participants from 59 countries were involved in the event.
Much of the content of the Conference Series is now available HERE and apart from the great content, you are sure to love the fabulous opening animations by Portuguese artist Mark Parchow.
preEC episode
June 15th
Culture and the public at a turning point
Panellist: Eleonora Belfiore, Pier Luigi Sacco and Giuliana Ciancio moderated by Niels Righolt.
1st episode
August 31st
Culture’s place in our lives
Panellist: Nicolas Barbieri, Mafalda Damaso and Anne Torreggiani moderated by Alessandra Gariboldi. In addition, Valentina Montalto, Jordi Pascual and Lene Struck-Madsen will be the long table moderators.
2nd episode
September 7th
A new vision for culture? Integrity, direction and relevance.
Panellists: Sajida Carr, Arjo Klamer, Francois Matarasso, Deise Faria Nunes, Goran Tomka, Ana Žuvela. Chair: Macarena Cuenca. Moderators: Sajida Carr, Philipp Dietachmair, Francois Matarasso, Davor Mišković, Lana Pavlović Aleksić.
3rd episode
September 14th
The cultural institution – what needs to change?
Panellists: Teodor Celakoski, Félix Dupin-Meynard, Victoria Durrer. Chair: Dea Vidović. Presenter: Janja Sesar (Pogon).
4th episode
September 21st
Rethinking participation strategically
Panellists: Lise Korsgaard, Chiara Organtini, Ben Walmsley, Daniel Wetzel. Chair: Jonathan Goodacre. Presenters: Jeannette Ehlers, Matteo Lanfranchi, WochenKlausur.
5th episode
September 28th
Tempestuous times – the crisis – recovery and change
Panellists: Nico Carpentier, Richard Evans, Arundhati Gosh, Olga Wysocka. Chair: Inês Bettencourt da Câmara. Presenters: Melissa Dibble, Søren Friis Møller, Marcin Poprawski, Daniel Wetzel (Rimini Protokoll).
Delving deeper into the questions and looking at the ways we might deal with the issue “Change within Change” in 6 intensive online modules.
The central concept remains the same – looking at what cultural institutions need to do or change in order to become more audience focused. The concept of audience development is transversal, extending from the framing of cultural policy to issues of cultural rights, access and participation. Increasing cultural participation is a crucial challenge for an inclusive and open European society, and growing audiences depends on the ability of a cultural organisation to place the audience at the centre of its practice. Now more than ever our actual or potential audience has to be at the forefront of our thinking.
The programme was dedicated to a limited number of professionals. you can now about the Summer School HERE.
2nd episode
September 28th and 30th
Are we ready for change? What pressures (external and internal) are we under? (Unfreeze)
3rd episode
October 7th
Where can we find allies for change? For whom should we need to change? (Listen)
4th episode
October 14th
How to go beyond our usual safe path? How to develop creativity into change? (Create)
5th episode
October 21st
How to bring change step by step? And learning from them every time? (Experiment)
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